Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Welcome Texas State

Hi there, I'm glad you decided to follow up on that "crazy talk" you heard out in the quad. This may be the first step down the rabbit hole for you, or maybe you've been here a while and it's time to get to know others. Regardless, you're here - now what? Well do what we do: research, inform, & repeat as needed.

There is a great bookstore in austin called Brave New Books - that's where we got the dvd you may have been handed today. Well here's a handy link. The place is like a sanctuary for people who are "awake." Not to say that everyone else is asleep, but I know when I found out about this stuff it felt like I was seeing the entire world in a whole new light.

It doesn't have to be a negative light, though. The Light Party, for instance, has great information resources in the "Information HQ" section that can enlighten in a postive way. That's the link to the 9/11 info, but there are hundreds of links there for all sorts of ideas that threaten the establishment.

There are hundreds more websites, some better, some worse. for example, is a great resource.

Or check out some blogs, you'll find a few linked on this site.

Or watch some more movies. There are tons of shorts that explain bits and peices on The full length films usually do a great job of giving you the big picture. Depending on what you got today you may want to see:

Zeitgeist - The "spirit of our time" in German. Fantastic movie, very broad.
Loose Change Final Cut - The movie that woke up Amerika
9/11 Mysteries - Like Loose Change with some other info
Esoteric Agenda - Hold on to your seat.
Terrorstorm by Alex Jones - The definitive history of state-sponsored terror.
Endgame by Alex Jones - Bilderberg, global government (enslavement).
America: Freedome to Fascism - about the Fed, the IRS & global domination.

Terrorstorm is what woke me up Summer '07. Ever since, believe it or not, the world really makes a lot more sense. Also ever since then I have been telling people about it non-stop. You'll win over many or at least a few of your freinds right off the bat. Those who are harder to persuade will come around eventually, but there may be nothing you can do. There is something called Cognitive Dissonance which gets in the way. I've linked the wikipedia article, it's very good at explaining why people cannot believe the truth. Dig a little deeper and you can actually find a great scholarly article explaining this idea and it's specific relation to 9/11.

Also if you really are unsure about telling people you think 9/11 was an inside job, there are other, less scary (shall we say) ways of turning this country around. is one.

Feel free to contact me, my txstate email is dm1329 so don't be shy!

Daniel McCarthy & PNAC/Campaign for Liberty

1 comment:

samclem said...

Sorry the pnac email isn't working, Google's slacking. Questions can be mailed to me at dm1329 [at] txstate [dot] edu.