Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chalk another one up for the C4LSM

Detractors tag graffiti ordinance as another step toward ‘police state’
Managing Editor
Grappling again with questions about the limits of its own authority, the San Marcos city council on Tuesday tabled a graffiti ordinance that allows police officers to issue citations to people caught with permanent markers and spray paint under what they determine to be suspicious circumstances.
Speaking in opposition at the meeting’s start, once-and-future mayor candidate Dan McCarthy, a Texas State University student, said, “If there’s no graffiti, then there’s no crime. It’s beginning to look a lot like a police state in San Marcos.” (Yet, it should be noted, the ordinance is hardly radical relative to other Texas cities. Williams pointed out that it was taken word-for-word from other municipality’s codes.)...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

RFID and You!

So the city of San Marcos wants all of the dogs to be micro-chipped or else pay a big fine. There are many reasons why this is absurd, but primarily because personal responsibility is not legislatable.

In other RFID news something called NOX is being set up in stores nationwide. Wonder why there was such a big push recently to sell you those reusable bags? Not that less waste is bad, but this really made me wonder about true intent:

Scariest of all: A woman at city hall demonstrated that she had been implanted with a chip! Scarier still she's been to all the schools telling the kids what a great thing it is!