Thursday, December 25, 2008

Obama's Mysterious Birth - The Question of the Certificate Number

From the Honolulu Advertiser (Here's the crucial last paragraph):

"Bloggers and other skeptics also wonder why a large black rectangle 
appears next to the words "CERTIFICATE NO." 
Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo said the blackened portion 
is a department file number that was redacted to prevent hackers from 
breaking into the Health Department's system."  (emphasis added)

And this from :

"We asked the Obama campaign about the date stamp and the blacked-out certificate number. The certificate is stamped June 2007, because that's when Hawaii officials produced it for the campaign, which requested that document and "all the records we could get our hands on" according to spokesperson Shauna Daly. The campaign didn't release its copy until 2008, after speculation began to appear on the Internet questioning Obama's citizenship. The campaign then rushed to release the document, and the rush is responsible for the blacked-out certificate number. Says Shauna: "[We] couldn't get someone on the phone in Hawaii to tell us whether the number represented some secret information, and we erred on the side of blacking it out. Since then we've found out it's pretty irrelevant for the outside world." The document we looked at did have a certificate number; it is 151 1961 - 010641." (Emphasis added)

Which is it? Did the Hawaii Health Department redact the number, or a member of Obama's campaign? Is it sensitive, as according to the Advertiser, or irrelevant as according to Obama's campaign? If Hawaiian officials say it's important, why has factcheck published them? If it's not, why would the Dept. of Health say so to begin with? Does anyone else smell a rat?

It seems to me that we the people are not getting the whole story. Since truth does not fear investigation, why not have a definitive one once and for all?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

An Act: To Peg the Dollar to Gold

Whereas our current currency is now backed by $8.5 trillion in bad debt, and insolvent;

Be it enacted that the value of a US Dollar be 1/1,000 oz. Gold. Gold therefor is $1000 an ounce from this day onward, and the Government will take in exchange for the new currency Federal Reserve Notes at that rate. The Federal Reserve Bank itself is hereby relieved of any and all powers, and it's assets frozen until thoroughly audited.

The Federal Reserve Note is doomed - a competing currency such as this one I'm proposing will eliminate it.

Keyword Cloud

Friday, December 12, 2008

It's not that we don't like you

It's just that people who voted for Ron Paul are voting to restore the freedom our fore fathers so eloquently enumerated in the constitution. The people who voted for McCain and Obama, Billary and Mitt? Well in our eyes those people are trying to take more freedom away from us. We should be free from war, from fear of rendition, from invasion of privacy, free to control our own money supply, to trade with Cuba, to donate money for schools in the middle east, to eat food that's healthy and drink pure water among other things.
"The government is best which governs least" is a statement by Thomas Paine that can be agreed upon from either side of the political aisle. Civil Liberties are a major plank in the Democratic platform, and small government a cornerstone of the right. I encourage everyone to read Common Sense: Revisited and then watch some Ron Paul videos on youtube. You'll be glad you did.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Controlled Crisis

What has also gone almost totally unnoticed is the $700 billion drain from the economy via cash management bill. This holds down inflation and those funds end up in Treasuries that end up in elitist banks in exchange for toxic CODs, SIVs, and allows banks to handle their naked derivative problems. These tactics by the Fed and Treasury puts more downward pressure on the economy causing more unemployment and less consumer spending. This deepens the recession. Saving AIG, as we predicted, will cost $500 billion and Citigroup $1 trillion. JP Morgan Chase has unlimited funds to cover its derivative losses, control the bond market and to depress gold prices. That is why what Morgan does is classified as a national security issue.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

CIA Foreknowledge of Mumbai Attacks

Yesterday, reported that the CIA’s station chief in Delhi approached one of India’s intelligence agencies, the Research and Analysis Wing, and passed on a fairly specific warning;
“In mid-September this year, the CIA station chief in Delhi sought an urgent meeting with his counterpart in R&AW to pass on some critical inputs. This was part of an understanding that Indian and American intelligence had institutionalised in the aftermath of 9/11. From its assets in Pakistan and Afghanistan, American intelligence had come to learn that the Lashkar-e-Toiba was planning to launch a major terrorist attack in Mumbai, which would be carried out from the sea."

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